creativity is
everyone’s business


“Change is a threat when done to us, but an opportunity when done by us.” — Rosabeth Moss Kanter

Faced with increasing complexity, rapid advancements in technology and shifts in customer and employee expectations organisations are faced with the challenge of changing the way they work. They know business as usual wont’t work and are looking to make experimentation, learning by failing and co-creating with customers the new normal.

Organisations can accelerate their re-invention by designing ways for people at work to grow their individual and collective creative problem solving capacity.


a creativite transformation

We believe that creativity, our ability to develop and mature novel ideas into ways to live better, is the key determinant of an organisation’s ability to adapt, innovate and grow. Everyone is creative but not every team at work unlocks their full creative potential - so what’s blocking them from being more creative at work?

That is why it is our mission to activate creativity in everyone at work by design. The future of work depends on it.


creative transformation


work-design sprints

Our team facilitates sprints (6 weeks) which are launched to establish a new way of working quickly. Led by your organisational goals we help a team discover new ways of working by creating the conditions for them to be creative.

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team design

Designing impactful services and products starts by designing a great team. We setup teams for success and design ways of working and tools to make teamwork great.

Hire us if you’re starting a team and need to establish a charter, goals, roles and a work rhythm or want to unlock the potential for learning and performance in an existing team.


creative assesment

IDEO’s Creative Difference is a customised guide to help teams build their innovation capabilities and benchmark their performance against the world’s best teams.


employee experience design

Something something about applying service design to the ability for organisations to deliver employee experience


workshops & Offsites

Our workshops are designed to deliberately change behaviour while directly addressing a people challenge or a skills gap. They’re practical and fun but focus on immediately improving the conditions at work.


creativity is good business

Very few times in business, do you get to participate in a process that can change the course of your business. That is exactly what betterwork did for us.
— Reinard Du Plessis - ATKV
Overall engagement across disciplines within the team has improved significantly, and we have a renewed energy when it comes to solving for team and client issues.
— Brittany Preece - Investec Private Bank